Welcome to the world of Arabesque - otherwise known as ourarabesque.com. Check out some samples from our CDs, "Glen Road to Cordoba," and "A Turk in Galway" read about upcoming events, find out a little bit more about us and the music, contact us and please add your thoughts and comments here on our page. Scroll down this page to see our upcoming performances...

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Arabesque: Fall Calendar

Sept. 23rd- Full Circle Books, Oklahoma City (50 Penn Place, info at fullcirclebooks.com) 7-9 pm

Sept. 30th- Tulsa Gaelic Language and Music Weekend, Univ. of Tulsa. Miranda is teaching a flute and penny-whistle workshop and Steve will teach intro to celtic mandolin, bouzouki and tenor banjo. (Info at OWCpress.com/gaelic)

Oct. 10th- O.U. Museum of Art Tuesday Concert Series
12-1pm. Free admission to museum, free music! (For info call 405-325-4598)

Stay tuned for more listings!

"Life is like music for it's own sake. We live in an eternal now, and when we listen to music we are not listening to the past, we are not listening to the future, we are listening to an expanded present. "
-- Alan Watts